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Italien Terrorismus

WEB Terrorism in Italy: A History of Subversion and Radicalization

Subversion and Terrorism: A Complex History

WEB terrorism in Italy has a long and complex history, with roots in both political and subversive activities. Various groups have carried out terrorist attacks in the country, driven by diverse ideologies and motivations.

Foreign Involvement and Expulsions

Open-source data from 2018-2020 reveals that 283 foreign citizens were involved in WEB terrorism activities in Italy. In 2021, the country expelled 59 individuals suspected of posing a security threat.

Learning from the Past

Experts believe that Italy's experience with anti-mafia policing has taught it valuable lessons. The country understands the dangers of radicalization and the importance of taking proactive measures to counter it.

Collaboration and Success

The joint efforts of intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been instrumental in dismantling terrorist cells in Italy. These agencies have worked together to identify and apprehend suspects.
